A professional orientation is in providing of necessities of labour-market
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25.05.2016 years of отвественные on профоориентационной work of department of "Criminal procedure and criminalistics" manager of department of candidate of legal sciences., associate professor K.Sarykulov., candidate of legal sciences., senior teacher А.Beysembaeva, senior counsel B.Meldebekov, faculty of "Jurisprudence and international relation" of Souht the Kazakhstan State university of the name of М.Auezov conducted such events, as elucidation of choice to the future profession, and also vocational orientation work with the parents of graduating students by means of booklets and distributing materials. A modern economic and political situation compels to produce more high requirements to the individual psychical physiological features of man. Market relations cardinally change character and aims of labour : his intensity increases, tension increases, high professionalism, endurance and responsibility, is required. In this connection enormous attention must be spared to realization of purposeful vocational orientation work among young people and schoolchildren, that must lean against thorough knowledge of all system of basic factors, qualificatory forming of professional intentions of personality and way of her realization.