
Information about the faculty

        The first set for the specialty "Jurisprudence" was carried out in 1998 at the faculty "Pedagogy and Art". Dean of the faculty from 1998 to 2001 was Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor A. Saipov. Preparation of specialists was also carried out by the Department of Philosophy, which for many years was headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor N.Musaeva. The first graduates of legal specialists were held in 2002. Thanks to the organizational and personnel measures taken by the University, the faculty "Jurisprudence" as an independent department has been functioning since 2001. Dean of the faculty from 2001 to 2002 was Ph.D., Professor Alibek SN. From 2002 to 2005, the dean of the faculty was Cand. Bekzatov B.A. A great contribution to the formation and development of the faculty was made by Dean, Ph.D., Professor Bekzatov BA, Deputy Dean, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Efimova IE, Head of the Department "Criminal Law and Criminology" Ph.D. Nurtazin E.K. From 2005 to 2006, Dean of the Faculty was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zhakipbekov S.Zh. Since 2006 the faculty is called the faculty "Jurisprudence and international relations". From 2006 to 2009, Dean of the Faculty was Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Bitemirov K.T. From 2009 to 2015, Dean of the Faculty was Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Sarykulov K.R. From 2015-2016 academic year, the Dean of the Faculty was Candidate of Laws, Professor O. Krylov. The faculty carries out preparation of undergraduates on the profile and scientific and pedagogical direction in the specialties "6M030100-Jurisprudence"; «6М020100-Philosophy»; «6М050200-Political science» and «6М040200-Culturology». The faculty builds its activities on new priorities and principles of the organization of the educational process, has embodied proven methodological approaches into daily activities. The faculty has strengthened teaching and methodological units, introduced and successfully operates a credit training system and a quality management system. The faculty has a good material base, including the subject room "Hall of Court Sessions" and the crime lab. The main thing in the profession of a lawyer is the possession of the logic of evaluation and reasoning, the ability to prove to the opponent a legal way of solving certain issues having legal consequences. Times when lawyers were sorely lacking, long ago: today in the South Kazakhstan region, one can study jurisprudence in several universities of very different profiles. In this situation, it is important for the school graduate to orientate, where, what, and how much qualitatively, he can be taught. Despite the impressive number of universities that provide legal education for the region, it is not yet necessary to talk about overproduction of specialists of this profile. The acquired knowledge is fixed when the students pass professional practice, which gives the student an opportunity to learn how to develop normative and legal acts, to interpret and apply laws and other normative legal acts, to make decisions and perform legal actions strictly in accordance with the law, to draw up and execute legal documents, to identify, disclose and investigate crimes and offenses, take the necessary measures to restore violated rights, give qualifications TED legal opinions and advice. In general, the profession of a lawyer is connected with the possibility to positively influence the situation. A lawyer can help an unjustly offended person, protect the rights of the victim from a crime, help a person illegally dismissed from work, restore or protect the disputed property or housing rights. The work of a lawyer is a struggle for the right. During its history, the faculty in 2007 and 2017 successfully passed three state attestations for compliance with licensing requirements. At present, the faculty faces new tasks to improve the quality of educational services.

Academic mobility

The students of the faculty have the opportunity to study at the military department in parallel. Distinguished students in the faculty actively participate in the program academic mobility. At the faculty, on an equal footing with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan foreign citizens from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, and Russia also study. The academic mobility of students at the Law Faculty  is based on the strategic planning programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Along with this, academic mobility of the students of the faculty is realized on the basis of memorandums concluded by the University with leading foreign universities (Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, USA, Canada, Russia, etc.).The Bolashak program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan also provides an opportunity to receive education for gifted Kazakh youth in the best universities in the world for the development of their principles of human values ​​through the program of academic mobility.Faculty students have the opportunity to simultaneously study at the military department. Faculty students who have distinguished themselves in their studies actively participate in the academic mobility program. Foreign citizens from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, and Russia also study at the faculty, on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (                                                                                                                                                                                       

Training and production complexes

Based on a pre-concluded agreement, students of the faculty undergo internships in the following government organizations:
1. Prosecutor's office of the South Kazakhstan region
2. Enbekshinskaya city police of SKO Department of Internal Affairs
3. Abay city police SKO Department of Internal Affairs
4. Al-Farabi city police of the South Kazakhstan region of internal affairs
5. Enbekshinsky district court of South Kazakhstan region
6. Al-Farabi district court of South Kazakhstan region
7. Abay district court of South Kazakhstan region
8. Department of Justice South Kazakhstan region
9. Specialized Administrative Court of the South Kazakhstan region
10. Customs Department of South Kazakhstan region
11. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
12. Department of Internal Policy of South Kazakhstan Region
13. Administration of the Akim of South Kazakhstan region ( 

Faculty departments

The faculty consists of six departments: Department of State Legal Disciplines, head of the department, Ph.D. Tleulov B.E.; Department of Philosophy, head of the department, Ph.D. Spanov M.Zh., “Civil law and civil procedure”, headed by Ph.D. Rakhmetova G.R.; Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, headed by Ph.D. Imashev B.E.; Department of International Relations and International Law, headed by Ph.D. Mamasharipova G.A.

Student life

Faculty students participate in various international and national conferences and competitions. Various intellectual discussion clubs operate at the faculty, debates, discussions, intellectual games and round tables are held. There is a student dean's office, the purpose of which is to introduce elements of self-government into the educational process, organize cultural and sports activities for young people, promote a healthy lifestyle, and promote the improvement of the educational process. Participation in all spheres of the life of the faculty fosters in young men and women a sense of responsibility, a sense of involvement in what is happening around them, and their significance. And as a result, students become not just professionals in their field, but also leaders in life positions.(

Faculty achievements

According to the results of the National Ranking, the educational programs of the faculty annually have high indicators. According to the results of the “National Rating – 2020”, conducted by the “Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education” in the educational field among all universities in the country, specialty 6B04210, and according to the results of the “National Rating – 2015”, specialty 6B04230 “Customs” 3rd place, 6B02210 “Philosophy” " - 3rd place, 6B03110 "International Relations" - 2nd place, 6B04220 "International Law" - 3rd place. According to the results of the national ranking of the IAAR among universities participating in the rating in 2019, specialty 6B04210 - “Jurisprudence” took 3rd place among higher educational institutions, and in 2019 also 3rd place. On November 13, 2020, an independent accreditation and rating agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted specialized accreditation in the specialty 6B02210 - “Philosophy” for a period of 7 years.

Faculty specialties

Graduates of the faculty have the opportunity to continue their education in a master's program. The master's program in the specialty 6M030100 - Jurisprudence of the SCU named after M. Auezov was opened in 2008, to date the university has trained about 105 masters in the specialty 6M030100 - Jurisprudence. Educational master's programs of SCU named after. M. Auezov are implemented in two areas of training - scientific-pedagogical and specialized - and provide in-depth specialized professional training, allowing graduates to subsequently successfully engage in scientific, pedagogical, managerial and expert activities. Master's studies at SCU named after. M. Auezova involves active research work, participation in scientific projects of the university under the guidance of leading experts in priority areas of science and practice.
The implementation of master's degree programs is carried out by the university in close cooperation with leading foreign educational and scientific organizations. Invited foreign professors give lectures to SKU master's students every year; thanks to the university's international relations, SKU master's students have the opportunity to travel for training and internships to foreign universities and research centers.


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