
      Research work for 2016 on the department of the "Civil law and civil procedure" is conducted according to a plan.

      The faculty advisors of department carry out a budgetary theme on Scientifically research work of Б- 16-08-01 : "Study of civil and civil judicial law of Kazakhstan : development and tendencies change" under guidance candidate of legal sciences M.Elikbay. The faculty advisors of department on realization of budgetary theme were done by quite a bit works. The faculty advisors of department on realization of  budgetary theme were done by quite a bit works.

      Offered participated on the underback project of department of education and science.And J.Akshataeva, G.Rahmetova under the direction of manager of department M.Elikbay and won underback on a theme: "Problems of turn genic-modified organisms in the conditions of Eurasian integration". For today on a project the great number of works is done.

      Results of acts of applying in industry and educational process: after 2016-2017 year 16 acts are inculcated in an educational process and 9 acts in a production.

      Amount of patents, monograph, scientific to the publication:

      2016 to the year in city to Moscow, in a publishing house Biblio-Globus it is published monograph of candidate of legal sciences., associate professor J.Oryntaev, "Organization of notarialness and notarial activity : experience of states-participants of organization of economic collaboration and development;

     Amount published by the article for a І half-year 2016-2017 school year: 30, from them 4 articles with IF, 4 articles the Russian index of the scientific quoting  and 22 articles in international, republican конференци and magazines offered by a control committee Department of education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan.


        Research work for 2016 on the department of the "Criminal law and criminology" is conducted according to a plan.

        Professorial-teaching composition of department carries out a budgetary theme on Scientifically research work of Б-11-08-14 : "Perfection of criminal, criminally-executive statute as a factor of providing innovative-industrial development" under guidance candidate of legal sciences, J.Akshataeva.

        Professorial-teaching composition of department on realization of budgetary theme was done by quite a bit works.

        Project of department of education and science offered on an underback won underback on a theme "Problems of turn genic-modified organisms in the conditions of Eurasian integration". For today on a project the great number of works is done.

        Results research the article:

       Amount published by the article for a І half-year 2016-2017 school year: 100, from them 2 articles with IF, 1 articles the Russian index of the scientific quoting  and 97 articles in international, republican conferences and magazines offered by a control committee Department of education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan.


      Research work for 2016 on the department of "Criminal процессса and criminalistics" is conducted according to a plan.

      Professorial-teaching composition of department carries out a budgetary theme on Scientifically research work of B-16-08-14: "Realization of conception of legal politics in Republics of Kazakhstan" under guidance candidate of legal sciences, associate professor K.Sarykulov. Professorial-teaching composition of department on realization of budgetary theme was done by quite a bit works.

      Results of acts of applying in industry and educational process: after 2016-2017 year 9 acts are inculcated on a production.

      Results research the article:

      2016 to the year candidate of legal sciences, senior teacher G.Sherimkulova published the article «Constitucional Law Fundamentals of the State Administration of Social Sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Envioronmental &Science Education 2016, No. 12, 5237-5249».

     2016 to the year senior teacher R.Alshurazova published the article «The Framework of Social Security System Public Management in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Envioronmental &Science Education 2016, Vol.11, No. 12, 11645-11657».

     Amount published by the article for a І half-year 2016-2017 school year: 35, from them, 2 articles of Scoopus and 33 articles in international, republican конференци and magazines offered by a control committee Department of education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan.


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