Family Household Rights and Freedoms Rights in the context of the protection of women: criminally-legal and criminological aspects of the topic
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SKSU from the "Jurisprudence and International Relations" faculty "at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology", "Family Household Rights and Freedoms Rights in the context of the protection of women: criminally-legal and criminological aspects of the topic" 11/23/2017j, 250 Small 10:00 in the conference- hall a scientific seminar was held. Participants: Dean of the faculty "Jurisprudence and international relations" Candidate of historical sciences, professor Orynayev Zh.K. Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology: Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Akshataeva Zh.B., responsible for scientific work: Doctor of Law, Abdrassilova BK Teaching staff of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology.
The invited guests:
1. Baidullaev Burkit Zhumamberginovich - judge of the CPA court
2. Ainabekov Serzhan Toktasinovich - the judge of Abai district court
3. Bakilova Jamal Abdykarimovna - lawyer of the Association of Lawyers of the CPA (report)
4. Yusupzhanova Shahlo Agzamovna - coordinator of the crisis center "Sana Sezim" (report)
5. Baibekov Maksat Talgatovich - Consultant of the crisis center "Sana Sezim" (report)
6. Hasanova Shakhnoza - psychologist of the crisis center "Sana Sezim" (report)
1. Imashev B.S. - Senior lecturer - "Legal issues of prevention of domestic violence"
2. Meyurkulova G.D. - Senior lecturer - report "Causes and problems of personal characteristics of crime in the conditions of life"
3. Abdrasilova B.K. - The report "Criminological aspects of domestic violence"
4. Balbay YG-16-1x - Report on "Criminological aspects of domestic violence"
5. Student of the group "Bulat Yu-15-1p2" on the topic "Kinds of violence in the family and its manifestation"