Opening Ceremony "Year of Youth"

     During his address, the Head of State stressed that "all efforts being made are aimed at preparing the country for a future breakthrough and are aimed at creating a strong Kazakhstan." Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed the government to ensure in Astana, Almaty and Shymkent the construction of at least one thousand apartments per year for working youth. These apartments should be classified as rental housing. As the President noted, those who work and have income can apply for such housing. In addition, enterprises of all forms of ownership should take an active part in creating housing conditions for young employees. According to the Head of State, today in the world about 300 million young people aged from 18 to 30 years do not have a permanent job or are unemployed. In 2018 in Kazakhstan, more than 125 thousand young people graduated from high school. "In the medium term, the number of young people entering the labor market will only grow. Currently, there are about 300,000 people in the country, or nine percent of young people, are not involved in educational and labor activities. It is necessary to take effective measures that will contribute to the annual reduction categories of youth, "said the President, speaking at the opening ceremony of the Year of Youth. The government was instructed to create a fund to support youth startups. "I am instructing the government, together with our business companies, oligarchs, national companies, to create a special fund to support youth start-ups.

We need to ensure that the distribution for these start-ups is done by the youth themselves - you, your organization, "said the Head of State. The President also noted the need to help young scientists translate their ideas into real projects." I’m personally going to do this and recommend that the government specifically consider these issues . To this end, I am instructing the government to increase the grant funding for basic and applied research by young scientists by three billion tenge annually. The time has come to make science and education accessible to all young people, "said the President. Another instruction to the government was a 30 percent increase in scholarships for university students actively involved in volunteering. Also, Nazarbayev instructed to increase benefits for working young people moving to rural areas, with 70 up to 100 MCI (252,500 tenge in 2019). The head of state spoke about the need to expand the scope of distance learning in our country. "The project presented today by Open University opens such people injective for our youth. I instruct the government to support the promotion of this project in all universities and colleges of the country, as well as at the employers' level, ”said Nursultan Nazarbayev. The government is tasked to develop the program“ Zhas Maman, ”according to the“ 100/200 ”principle (one hundred and two hundred). that in each region at least one advanced university and ten colleges with a renewed curriculum and teaching staff, including foreign specialists, will work in a new way, including 20 universities and 180 colleges in the country on a competitive basis About 400 sets of modern equipment will be purchased.


      At these educational institutions start-up centers will also work to support innovative projects. For three years, the implementation of this program from the national budget will be allocated 60 billion tenge. By the 30th anniversary of the country's independence on the basis of the Zhasyl El movement, the nationwide project "Green City - Green Village" will work. "Following the example of Astana, we need to develop a green ecosystem of human settlements in all regions," said the President. To restructure work with a focus on youth policy is required from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. The Assembly should formulate a clear program to promote the values ​​of sovereign Kazakhstan, the continuity of generations, and strengthen unity and patriotism. Nursultan Nazarbayev also stated the need to prepare young people for new social roles and realities of family life. "Still shy." The president instructed schoolchildren to teach family life. "This should start from the upper grades of secondary schools. Together with the support of the motherhood institute, it is important to develop the institution of paternity, to form in young men a sense of responsibility for your family. It is necessary to provide accessible psychological and counseling assistance in all aspects of family relationships. The issue of family disintegration is worrying. Scientists, public figures, and the mass media should pay serious attention to this, "said the Head of State. The President also instructed to expand the service sector focused on people with special needs, and to renew the tradition of holding republican youth championships and student universiades. At the end of the ceremony of launching the Year of Youth, Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed the government to develop a program to prepare and celebrate the 30th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan.


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