Features of the effective use of innovative technologies

                             Features of the effective use of innovative technologies

On February 15, 2022, a methodological seminar was organized at the Faculty of Law of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov on the topic “Features of the effective use of innovative technologies in the educational process to improve the quality of education and the interest of students in the subject. "To the attention of the participants of the seminar t.s.a.s.s. to. , associate professor E. K. Nurtazin "Methodology of using active teaching methods", philosopher. , Senior Lecturer R. F. Tokhanova          "The use of innovative technologies in teaching students on the example of the discipline" "Civil Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" "ina inndamalar inald in. The guest of the seminar - Head of the Center for Psychological Assistance to Students, Honorary Member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, psychologist, art therapist G.T. psychological games. m at the same time. I am Spataev, specialist of the Center for Information Education. Auezov. S. showed the seminar participants the procedure and possibilities of working with the electronic databases of the information center of the university. At the end of the seminar there was a reflection with the participants and a conclusion. Participants shared their impressions of the workshop and made suggestions. Journalists were awarded letters of thanks.


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