Rae Kwong Chung Center for New Climate Economy opened at the university

On October 31, 2022, a meeting was held at the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University with the Nobel Prize winner, member of the International Committee for the Global Energy Prize, member of the board of the Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Brighter Future, Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on climate change, honorary guest of the Nobel Fest-2022 forum with Professor Rae Kwong Chung.

During this meeting, the Rae Kwong Chung Center for New Climate Economics was opened at the university. The decision to open this center was carried out within the framework of a signed memorandum between the Chairman of the Board, Rector of NJSC "South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov named after M. Auezov Kozhamzharova Kozhamzharova and Nobel Prize winner, Advisor to the UN Secretary General on climate change, Professor Rae Kwong Chung during holding the 5th Nobel Festival. In the future, innovative educational programs will be developed in the new center, and relevant research work will be carried out.

In her opening speech, the Chairman of the Board - Rector of NJSC "South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov" D.P. Kozhamzharova, having expressed her best wishes to the guest, announced that this center is aimed at introducing a new model of economic sustainable development, green technologies and reducing the impact of climate change on agriculture, and also spoke about the great potential of the new center to influence the socio-economic development of the South Kazakhstan region.

Shyngys Mukan, deputy akim of the city, who was present at the meeting, noted that the climate of Shymkent has undergone significant changes in recent years and the problems that arise in this area can only be solved by the joint efforts of scientists based on a scientific approach.

Also, according to the program of the event, Professor Rae Kwong Chung held a guest lecture for students and faculty of the university. During the lecture, students and faculty of the university had the opportunity to get answers to their questions. By mutual agreement, Professor Chung will give regular lectures to university students during the academic year.

At the end of the event, the Chairman of the Board, Rector Kozhamzharova Dariya Perneshovna, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the SKU named after M. Auezov, presented Professor Rae Kwong Chung with a diploma of “Honorary Professor of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov”.


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