08.11.2016 g between 11.30 and by 12.50 hours in the main corps of UKGU to them Auezova department "Jurisprudence and international relations" organized round table sanctified to the holiday 25 fly to Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan, under the name "Ata-saltym ardagym" in correct education of girls in family on customs and traditions of people and correct uttering its mating call of all of it propagandized a mosquito to the young people..
The foregoing program "Ata-saltym ardagym", "Jurisprudence and international relations" conducted by a faculty, is sanctified to the holiday 25 fly to Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan, was approved on by a plan within the framework of round table.
Primary purpose of educator work : Consolidation of basic branch of institute of family in a country. Elucidations of correct ways to the girls on maintenance of values of family.