«Family is support of society, her main value»

             14.11.2016 g between 12.50 and by 14.10 hours  in the main corps of UKGU the name of Auezova  faculty "Jurisprudence and international relations" organized round table on a theme "Family is support of society, her main value ", that was sanctified to the holiday  25 fly to Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan, the aim of that was to consolidate domestic values.


The program round table under the name "Family is support of society, her main value ":

12.50-12.55 it is Registration of participants

12.55-13.00 is the Inaugural address of senior teacher of department " Philosophy "  .

13.00-13.15 speech of student 2 courses, of department " of power engineering Specialist and information technologies ", of гр . ИП -15-7к1 Kyrgyzbai A.

13.15-13.30 is speech of student 2 courses  of Шымкенсткого of university, of institute  of economy, of гр. 15ШТ Ryskul G.

Participants :

1. Senior teachers of department " are Philosophy ": of Altaeva Y., Botabaev G .

2. The students of гр ЮМ-15-1К of 4,2к, of Shymkent university, of institute of Economy



Primary purpose of afore-named educator work : consolidation of basic branch  of institute of family in a country. Correct interpretation of domestic values to the girls in families.


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