The problems of Cyprus in world politics

      On 12 November in 2018, the department of “International relation and customs affairs” was organized scientific seminar by the theme “The problems of Cyprus in world politics”. Speaker, Sefa Fuat Hekimoglu of Historical Sciences, Professor at the University of Bitlis-Eren, city Bitlis, Republic of Turkey.

      Sefa Fuat Hekimoglu, in his speech on the slides showed the historical development of Cyprus, where he pointed to the stages of finding Cyprus under the influence of Rome, then moving under the patronage of Venice. Then Cyprus for 400 years was under the colonization of the Ottoman Empire. In 1878, Cyprus as a colonial country switched to the system of government of Great Britain and in 1960 gained independence.


     In 1960, conflicts erupted between the states of Cyprus and Turkey. The Greek troops carried out a coup in August 1974, and Turkish troops entered Cyprus. After that, Cyprus was divided into two parts, north and south. The northern part is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. However, the states of the whole world have not yet recognized this state.

     Scientific seminar was passed in high level. Speaker professor Sefa Fuat Hekimoglu, through political analysis comprehensively uncovered one of the topical issues in world politics.



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