Events in the municipal public institution "Children's home of the city of Shymkent № 3"
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On February 15, 2019, we were delighted with the event at the state institution “Shymkent orphanage No. 3” and took part in it. At the event, employees of the education department of the SKSU conveyed warm wishes and good wishes to the children and presented them with gifts. In addition, the government noted that the main task is to create a variety of conditions for raising the skills of the young generation, including the protection of children's rights. The students, who were looking forward to the guests, were able to show their skills, sing, dance, practice various sports and have fun and fun.
It should be noted that in the orphanage No. 3 at the age of 3 to 11 years old, the total number of children is brought up to 65 years.
The direction of the upcoming ladder - "Year of Youth" - in the Message of Youth of SKSU. M.Auezov addressed to the people of the city "" Zhetimdi shettetpeyik Shymkala "", the words "Zhetіm" does not apply to the Kazakh people, but this is one of the most pressing problems of society. That is why the spiritual well-being of the young generation gives young people the opportunity to be generous.
We invite young people at SKSU to continue to support orphans, to create a “zero” tolerance of society, to promote the culture of orphans and to increase legal literacy.
The purpose of the event is not to characterize the orphanage in Kazakhstan, but to overcome the unnecessary concept of this country, to prevent an increase in the number of orphanages, to eliminate their number, to create conditions for the upbringing of young people raised in orphanages. There are many families who work during the economic era. allow yourself to practice a particular profession, who are looking for a childless, an infant, or how many generations of young people in the shelter are waiting for their parents. The parameters that are accepted and give happiness, “House”, “Faster” This is a hundred people with many of them, worthy of support.
In the year of youth - let's support the youth and do not even have children's homes! How many children are brought up in an orphanage, and there are young people who abstain from parental responsibilities, fraternity and fraternity. Everybody is our homeland, every child born in our country is our sons and daughters, our compatriot!