Olympiad among students in the discipline "Philosophy"

12/10/2024 M. On the basis of the South Kazakhstan region named after Auezov, the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Law organized an inter-faculty Olympiad on the topic of "Philosophy".
Six teams took part in the Olympiad: Nomad, Seraphim, Alpha, Alchemist, Followers of Al-Farabi and the Ship of Thought.
The jury assessed the work of the Olympiad participants Esirkepova Gulzipa Kyrgyzbaevna, Eleupa Serik Beisembayevich, Zhienbekova Ainur Abdrakhmanovna.
The Olympiad was held in 3 rounds. In the first round, each group presented its team, in the second - "PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW", a creative competition was held, in the third - a quiz - question-answer competition.
The content of the competitions is aimed at determining the creative levels of students' knowledge in theoretical and practical terms.
Following the results of the Olympiad, the following winners were nominated for awards:
FIRST PLACE - the "Ship of Thoughts" team. Group leader: Shaldarbekova Aisha Baktashovna
II PLACE - the "Alchemists" team. Group leader: Makimbay Zhanar Mukhamedkarimkyzy
III PLACE - the "Al-Farabi Investigators" team. Group leader: Amanbaykyzy Makpal
During the closing of the Olympiad, the participants and their leaders were awarded special diplomas, souvenir gifts, special certificates for active participants, judges and the organizing committee. Congratulations to the Olympic medalists and their leaders. We wish them new successes!


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