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1998 - 2001 yy - at the Faculty of "Pedagogy and oner" (Dean - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor A. Saipov) carried out a set of students on a specialty "Jurisprudence". The first issue of legal professionals took place in 2002;

In 2001-2002 - The organization of a separate entity - "Jurisprudence" of faculty (Dean - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor C.Alibek .)

2002 - 2005 GG - The establishment and development of the faculty of "Jurisprudence" (dean - Doctor of Education, Professor B.Bekzatov ).

2005-2006, - Renamed the faculty "Jurisprudence" at the faculty of "Jurisprudence and International Relations" (PhD, associate professor S.Zhakipbekov );

2006 - 2009 yy - dean of the faculty was PhD, Associate Professor K.Bitemirov In 2008 he was made the first set of undergraduates in the specialty "Jurisprudence";

2009 - 2015 GG - Dean of the Faculty was Candidate of Law, Associate Professor K.Sarykulov In 2014 - an educational program 6M030100 - "Law" has passed national accreditation in the Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency for Education;

2015 - present Dean of the Faculty yavlyaeetsya k.yu.n, Associate Professor ZK Oryntaev

Currently, the faculty has seven departments: Department of "Philosophy"; Department of "Political Science and International Relations" Department "Criminal Law and Criminology" Department "Civil and Civil Procedural Law" Department "Constitutional, customs and international law", Department of "Theory of State and Law."

The faculty trains

- In an undergraduate program in the following specialties 5B030100- «Law», 5B020200- "International Relations", 5B030400 - "Customs" 5B011500 - "Basics of Law and Economics"

- On on specialties 6M030100 Master's program - "Jurisprudence", 6M050200 - "Philosophy" and 6M020100 - "Political Science".

The contingent of students is presented by Kazakhstan and inostarnnymi citizens of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia and Russia.

The contingent of students is presented by Kazakhstan and inostarnnymi citizens of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia and Russia.

The faculty strengthened educational and methodological divisions, implemented and successfully operates a credit system of training and the quality management system. The faculty has a good resource base, including the "courtroom" and special treatments.

In order to improve the training of the Department of "International Relations" actively participates in international integration activities in the field of Education and Science and lead creative relationships with a number of leading universities of near and far abroad.

Faculty graduates in demand in the labor market and work on a specialty in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ka, the Ministry of Justice, General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, financial police, other law enforcement agencies, education departments, embassies, consulates, customs authorities, in special secondary and higher education institutions.

The main places of employment of graduates in the specialty "International relations" are usually the RK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of internal policy, external communication department, public and private joint company.

Undergraduates majoring in "Jurisprudence" are trained at the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (Moscow, Russia) with specialization "International law" within the Consortium Network University of Independent States, implementing joint educational programs. During its history faculty in 2007 and 2016 successfully passed two state certification for compliance with licensing requirements.

At present, the Department is facing new challenges to improve the quality of educational services.

The Dean of the Faculty of "Jurisprudence",


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