

The Dean of the Faculty

Sarykulov Kurmangali Rakhimberdievich

The candidate of juridical sciences, docent



Address:  486018, Shymkent city, Tauke – khan pr., 5, SKSU, the main educational case 
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deputy Dean for Academic and Methodological Issues,senior lecturer

Zhaksybayeva Aigul Yesenalievna

Телефон: 8(7252) 21-07-79

                 8 701 603 73 37

deputy Dean for Educational and Social Affairs,senior lecturer

Bimenov Kairat Tleubergenuly

Телефон: 8(7252) 21-07-79

                 8 701 794 37 98

deputy Dean for Science and Scientific Affairs,senior lecturer

Abutayeva Saparkul Bazarbaykyzy

Телефон: 8(7252) 21-07-79

                 8 700 135 70 86

►Educational process staffing in English at the “Jurisprudence and International relations” faculty in 2016-2017 academic year

General information

Faculty of the international relations - structural study-educational, study-scientific and administrative division of the South Kazakhstan State university in which frameworks the basic educational programs of the higher vocational training on specialities «International relations», «Jurisprudence», «Customs business» are realized.
The faculty «Jurisprudence and the international relations» is created on the basis of faculty «Jurisprudence and the international relations».

The faculty structure includes 8 chairs of a juridical and humanitarian profile:
chair «Criminal law, process and Criminalistics » chair man Mickaya E.V.
chair «Civil and civil process law» chair man. c.j.s.  Elikbai M.
chair « Theory of the State and Law » chair man. c.j.s., docent Nurtazin E.K.
chair «Philosophy» chair man. c.p.s., professor Suleymenov T.А.
chair «Politics science and Internatinal relation» chair man. c.h.s. Majinbekov S.А.
chair «Constitutional, customs and international right» chair man. c.j.s. Esenaliev A.E.


The president of our country N.A.Nazarbaev in the missive to the people "Kazakhstan-2030. Prosperity, safety and well-being improvement of all Kazakhstan citizens" has accurately defined mission of the state and strategic priorities of development of republic to the next decades in which science and education are regarded as of paramount importance.            
The future of Kazakhstan, realization of priorities and national interests of our country in the sphere of foreign policy and foreign trade activities, strengthening of positions and authority on international scene, expansion of geography of business ties and maintenance of national safety generally depend on understanding and ability of specialists  to orientate in promptly changing world, their ability to analyze and predict these changes, a high civil liability before the state, society and each person in decision-making.

  For the future jurists and foreign affairs specialists it is a major measurement, therefore the highest teaching and educational purpose of the faculty is development of the intellect, creative abilities, formation of socially significant world outlook and spiritually-moral bases of the personality of the jurist and the foreign affairs specialist, its civic attitude. In achievement of this purpose the comprehension and understanding of historical process, a place, a role and ways of development of Kazakhstan in the modern world, development of own position is great.
The faculty purpose:

  • development of creative, spiritual and physical possibilities of the person, formation of strong bases of morals and a healthy way of life;
  • education of civic consciousness and patriotism, love for the country - Republic Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols, honoring of national traditions, intolerance to any anticonstitutional and antisocial displays;
  • preparation of the qualified specialists, competitive on a labor market, retraining and increase of their qualification;
  • вintroduction of new technologies of training, information of the higher vocational education, an exit on the international global communication networks.


At the moment at the faculty carried out a transition to the multilevel system of  education accepted all over the world including four-year preparation of bachelors with possibility of continuation of training under programs of preparation of the master.
The basic maintenance of an educational program of a bachelor degree 5ВОЗО1 - "Jurisprudence" consists in: profound studying of juridical disciplines, mastering of the basic legal concepts, legitimacies of the state-legal phenomena, history of legal doctrines, bases of public service and the government, the basic concepts and categories of civil and criminal, civil-procedural and criminally-procedural right, acquisition of right applicating skills in various areas of jurisprudence.
Educational problems of the program of a bachelor degree 5V0202 - «the International relations» it is aimed on:

  • elaboration of ability to think and operate in a situational mode (taking into account features of national mentality, typology of organizational structures, legal traditions and specificity of social mobility);
  • acquisition by students skills of political and global forecasting, business etiquette, conducting the office work documentation, forming and the analysis of various communicative models of behavior.
  • educational process is orientated on individual work with the student that makes a conceptual basis of registration of the educational environment in which the student should be trained actively. The individual approach is in many respects provided at the expense of flexible system of subject and regional specializations, a great number of courses for choice.

The professors and pedagogical stuff      

Preparation in directions and specialities in the field of the international relations, political science, world economy, jurisprudence carries out more than 100 teachers of high qualification, among which 10 doctors of sciences, 50 candidates of science.
High qualification of the faculty of the chair, traditionally practised profound and all-round studying of history and culture allows to prepare experts of the international level. Teaching is carried out by the professors and pedagogical stuff of the faculty, teachers of leading Russian HEI such as professors of Diplomatic Academy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Rudov G. A, Mitrofanova N.A. that allows to solve successfully a problem of preparation of the future jurists and foreign affairs specialists.

  The teaching structure of the chairs of the faculty has considerable scientific potential. Annually teachers of the faculty take part in scientific conferences, acting with scientific reports.
For achievement of the purposes regarding the organization of educational process the faculty carries out:
· selection of  highly qualified teachers for regular work;
· measures by  attraction to teaching at faculty of leading scientists, specialists and heads of state structures, commercial and noncommercial, judicial, law-enforcement, joridical and other bodies and  organizations, including on conditions combinating;
· systematical retraining and improvement qualification of professors and pedagogical stuff of faculty in system of improvement of qualification of employees  of the higher school and employees of  law sphere;
· development of  scientific potential of chairs of faculty through the material stimulation of theoretical researches of the faculty of faculty;
· chairs carries out active work on joint research work with leading educational institutions of foreign countries.
In 2004-2005 academic year was signed the contract on cooperation with University Ultreh (Holland). Proceeds a teamwork within the limits of contracts with the Bruxelles Free University and the French-Russian Institute of Business Administration. In June, 2005  was held the Summer School of the Right on problems of the European right and Problems of the introduction of Kazakhstan to the WTO. 46 students and 5 teachers of the faculty have taken part in work of this school. For all teachers and students were given a certificates. In 2006-2007 academic year was signed the contract on cooperation with Diplomatic Academy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Student's life         

To services of students of the faculty there are given materials the educational - informational center which library fund makes over one million copies of the unique scientific and educational literature. There functioned reading rooms of the scientific literature, the economic and legal literature, an electronic reading room.
From the creation beginning at the faculty were actively applied  active and interactive methods of training, business and role-playing games. Educational audiences are equipped by the newest means of training. At the faculty functioned the computer class in which the exit in the world information network the INTERNET is provided.
Students of faculty actively are engaged in research work, participants of the international, republican and regional conferences and competitions. Among students of the faculty – there are a winners of the International competition of scientific works of students, owners of gold medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Our graduates      

The majority of graduates of faculty don't test difficulties in  job searching and found a job independently because in comparison with graduates of other faculties, they professionally own two foreign languages and possess extensive knowledge in the field of foreign and international law.
Many of graduates of faculty, who are already more than 1000, work on supervising posts in various law enforcement bodies of SKA and behind its limits. From above 20 most exceptional graduates remained at institute on teaching work, and many of  them have protected a master's theses.
Part of our graduates continued studying in magistracies of the USA, England, Turkey. Among our graduates there are nominees of the grant "Bolashak".

The program of academic mobility at the faculty "Jurisprudence and international relations"

    Academic mobility programs at the faculty are realized in accordance with the concept of academic mobility of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (discussed and approved at the meeting of rectors in the framework of the expanded Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2011).

Information on the participation of students in academic mobility programs:



Abuov Aydarkhan Rahimjanouly

5В030100- Jurisprudence

«Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics» head of the chair Sarykulov K.R.

University of Lodz (Poland)


Zhaksybai Olzhas Talatyuly

5В030100- Jurisprudence

«Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics» head of the chair Sarykulov K.R.

University of Lodz (Poland)


Ayapova Balzhan Alibekyzyzy

6М030100- Jurisprudence

«Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics» head of the chair Sarykulov K.R.

University of Lodz (Poland)


Turdaly Nurayym Serikovna

5В030100- Jurisprudence

«Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics» head of the chair Sarykulov K.R.

University of Lodz (Poland)Erasmus+


Tauasarova Asel Sanatovna


International relationships

«International relations and political science» head of the chair Mazhynbekov S.A.

University of Lodz (Poland)


The following programs of the double diploma are realized at the faculty "YuIMO":
- in the direction of "Jurisprudence" (the program "International Law") with the Peoples' Friendship University (Moscow, Russia) and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Moscow, Russia);
- in the direction of "International Relations / Political Science" (the program "World Politics") with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Moscow, Russia).

Information on the implementation of double-degree programs

Year of study


Full name of the student



Place of study


2016-2017 Year of study

International law

Zhailauova Arasel Sakenkyzy

6М030100 - «Jurisprudence»

«Civil Law and Civil Procedure» » head of the chair Elikbay M.A.

MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)


Global politics

Danisov Nursultan Pernebayuly

6М050200- Political science

«International relations and political science» head of the chair Mazhynbekov S.A.

MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Practice of students

In the course of training students of faculty pass educational, industrial and predegree practice. Bases of their carrying out are a Ministry of Internal Affairs RK, Prosecutors office of the SKA, Ministry of Justice of the RK, Department  of customs administration of the SКA, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Regional Court of the SKA, Financial police of the SKA, Department of internal policy administration of the SKA, Agency of public service of the RК, Department of Internal Affairs of the SKA.

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